Welcome to Mary's Blogspot

We have set up this site for Mary's friends and family to share stories, memories, feelings, photos, whatever you like. Please add to it by clicking on Comments below any post.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mary Ruthsdotter Memorial Blogspot

We have set up this site for Mary's friends and family to share stories, memories, feelings, photos, whatever you like. Please add to it.  If you are not yet an author for this blog, let me know and I will make you one.  Click on 0 Comments or 1 comment or whatever is below each post to add a comment.


  1. I smile a lot as my mind goes back to the 1990's when I first met Mary at an Utne Reader salon. From there it was soaks in the Cherry Street hot tub solving world problems and sharing "daughter-raising" stories, Sonoma County hikes, New Years Eve "dancin in the streets", camping at King's Canyon with Alice, hiking in the Garden of the Gods and Moab, Cirque du Soleil, date milkshakes in Laguna Canyon, and most recently luxury camping at El Capitan Resort in Santa Barbara. Those are the BIG memories. The wonderful moments are too many to write here. Mary was the original "you go girl"!

  2. Dear Everyone who Loved Mary,
    I knew Mary and Dave back in the early 1970's when we were all doing wild and crazy things (like doing a co-op organic bakery in Calabassas CA with Mary & Dave's good friends, Elsa & Fred, my then husband Bob, and Kathryn!).
    My heart goes out to Dave, Alice, and all who knew and LOVED Mary. She was an AMAZING woman, and she accomplished much with tremendous vigor and joy. May all of our lives yield such good.
    Mary Farkas


Marty's personal collection of Mary pictures - click to play